University of the Punjab Conference Portal, 2nd International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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A Comparative Analysis of Forward and Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Manipulator
Kamal Shahid

Last modified: 2015-11-20


Abstract — Representation of robotic parts, for instance hands, fingers and legs, using mathematical equations has long been the hot research topic for engineers. Different fields of engineering like Image Processing, Computer Animation and Robotics are dependent on precise representation of rigid bodies in the form of mathematical equations and matrices. The basic requirement in the field of Robotics is the representation of relative position of robotic manipulator using systematic means. Forward and inverse kinematics representations of jointed robotic hand can also be derived using geometric approach. Both representations can be used to control orientation/position of robotic hand. This paper presents a comparative analysis of both techniques on different software tools to find a solution that is efficient in terms of time consumption. MATLAB, Atmel 8051 and Arduino have been employed to compare the performance and execution time of these algorithms.