University of the Punjab Conference Portal, 2nd International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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Assessment of leadership value & action trait of Safety Culture program in Pakistan Research Reactors

Last modified: 2015-11-20


Best engineering design with all possible safety features is not the ultimate solution for safe operation of industries specially Petrochemical & Nuclear industry. Technology failure, Human error & environmental factors are not the only cause of accident. It is observed initially in Chernobyl accident that un-written organizational polices, standards & hidden assumptions which have exercised/used repeatedly may become the cause of catastrophe. Thus, understanding of prevalent safety culture in the organization is necessary to assess how vulnerable the organization is toward accident. However, evaluating the safety culture of a particular organization pose some challenges which can be resolved by using safety culture standard Schein three level models which mainly focus on the safety culture evaluation of organization artifacts, claimed values and basic assumptions.

In subcontinent, most of the organization uses bureaucratic model for their administration control. Role of management imparts major role in developing the safety culture of bureaucratic style organization. In this paper the evaluation models (Sachein model (1992), Harber and Barrier (1998) model) has been used for assessment of fundamental safety culture trait i.e. leadership safety values & action. The fundamental trait is evaluated on the basis of four sub traits i.e. Knowledge (safety issue knowledge, Knowledge sharing mechanism, Knowledge internalization, Training & skill enhancement & Succession management), Safety policy, implementation & measurement. A set of questioner, interviews & field visit were developed to evaluate the sub traits in Pakistan Research Reactors.

For the validation and assessment of results both approaches have been utilized. i.e. Top down approach through interviews of Top Management and bottom-up approach through the results of questionnaires.  The commitment of top management was reflected in the results of questionnaires. However the areas of improvement have also been highlighted in different sub traits. Overall the Higher Management of PAEC has broad vision of safety culture and committed to promote safe working environment through safety culture evaluation. This all is reflected in PAEC mission and policy statements. Training sessions/ lectures on safety culture evaluation are normally conducted in PAEC for awareness and enhancement of safety culture program.