University of the Punjab Conference Portal, Third International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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The Internet of Things (IOT) Smart Handshake Contact Information Data Logger Using OTA Technology
Muhammad Aitsam

Last modified: 2017-10-10


The Smart Wrist Band is a wearable bracelet-like device that exchanges information about its clients and their relationships. It is advancement in field of Internet of Things (IOT) and utilizing Over the Air (OTA) technology makes this band more valuable. This trade of information occurs amid the regular signal of the handshake, which is recognized by the wrist band. As such, in this paper, we discuss the Smart wrist Band technology and feedback.  The results suggest that control over personal information is an ongoing issue, but they also highlight the possibility for wearable devices to enable the creation of a set of invented techno-gestures with different affordances and constraints that might be more appropriate for certain social interaction applications.

Key Words—IOT, OTA, Handshake, Smart Band, wearable devices.