University of the Punjab Conference Portal, Third International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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Catalytic degradation of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) into fuel oil on pilot scale: Designing and manufacturing of coal furnace and using CaC2 as a catalyst
Syed Fawad Ali Shah

Last modified: 2017-10-10


The main goal of this work was to recycle plastic waste by catalytic degradation of low density polyethylene on pilot scale in a batch reactor. Calcium Carbide (CaC2) was used as a catalyst which is previously selected as a highly efficient catalyst. For heating purpose coal furnace was designed and manufactured to achieve the required temperature. Coal briquettes were used in the furnace which is cheap source of energy and easily available. Different parameters such as temperature, catalyst to feed ratio, sample size and reaction time were optimized. On the basis of high amount of liquid product obtained, the optimum value 0.25of catalyst to feed ratio was observed, while the optimum value of temperature was 450°C at which 67 % by weight liquid product was obtained when small sample size was taken. Optimum reaction time was 30 minutes for high liquid recovery. Liquid product was also characterized by physical and chemical tests. Different physical test were carried out according to IP and ASTM standards. Density, Specific gravity, API gravity, viscosity, kinematic viscosity, flash point, freezing point and Net calorific value were calculated and compared with standard fuels which shows that collected fractions were in the range of gasoline, kerosene or diesel oil. ASTM Fractional distillation analysis of the catalytically derived oil showed that 20% fraction was in the range of kerosene and diesel range (C11-C18), 30% in the range of fuel oil (18-C27) and 36% in the range of Greases and Waxes (C25-C30).