University of the Punjab Conference Portal, Third International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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Redesigning of Process Condensate Treatment Section
Mehmood Gilani, Mahmood Saleem, Luqman Hakeem, Arslan Shafqat, Arsalan Hussain, Tayyab Ahmad

Last modified: 2017-10-10


Pure water is rarely abundant or without cost. One of the serious problems facing the chemical and power industries today results from the gradual deficiency of surface and subsurface water in areas of industrial concentration. This can be partially overcome by the reuse of water which reduces fresh water requirements to much extent and provides economical basis. The used water may contain different impurities so it is necessary to remove or reduce those impurities to a certain level so that it may be used again and again along with some make-up water. Impurities can be removed using steam in a stripping column. Process condensate treatment of ammonia section of a local industry was redesigned.