University of the Punjab Conference Portal, First Symposium on Energy and Environment

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Experimentation study to investigate the effects of ground water depletion and contamination on environment and energy consumption: An overview

##manager.scheduler.building##: Centre for Coal Technology Corridors for Poster Presentation
Date: 2019-12-13 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Last modified: 2019-12-03


Groundwater depletion is a serious threat to the environment. The majority of our bodies and the Earth are made up of water. Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use. Materials from the land's surface can move through the soil and end up in the groundwater. While we know that groundwater shortage is a serious issue, we should also know how water naturally finds its way into the aquifers we extract it from. The water stored in the aquifer can be compared to the money kept in a current account of bank. If the money is withdrawn at a faster rate, the account needs to be recharged. Some of the emerging negative effects of groundwater depletion in water stressed areas are: Drying up of wells; Deterioration of ground water quality; and increasing pumping cost.  The study shows that there is an immediate need of taking measures to control groundwater contamination and water scarcity such as management of waste, use water wisely, use fewer chemicals, and plant more trees. The principle sources and causes of groundwater contamination can be categorized as industrial, municipal and miscellaneous. There are various recommendations to the problem which are as following

1.      The sewage pipelines should be away from water supply.

2.      It should be made compulsory for industries to install waste water treatment plants. The industrial water should be monitor regularly.

3.      The pesticides should be treated safely. The farmers should be provided regular education and awareness about the use and disposal of pesticides.

4.      There is a need for proper sewage handling.