University of the Punjab Conference Portal, First Symposium on Energy and Environment

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Municipal solid waste for energy generation and its existing management practices in Pakistan
Muhammad Waqas

##manager.scheduler.building##: Centre for Coal Technology Corridors for Poster Presentation
Date: 2019-12-13 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Last modified: 2019-12-03


Rapidly increasing amount of solid waste and energy crisis always been a challenge for every government of Pakistan. The lack of planning, infrastructure, public awareness and many other factors have always the main reasons for worsening MSW in Pakistan. It has been studied that the generated waste is directly either disposed of in low lying areas or burned in an open environment regardless any planned way of disposal. Solid waste is capable to produce energy required in the country, if it is treated wisely, either by thermo-chemical or bio-chemical process. The contribution of energy from solid waste has been roughly calculated that is 0.34% via thermo-chemical and 0.07% via bio-chemical in the total energy requirement of the country. Waste to energy (WtE) concept should be encouraged in the country for economic development and for sustainable environment.