South Asian Studies, Vol 24, No 1 (2009)

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Changing Trends in American Policy towards Pakistan & Afghanistan

Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Naheed S. Goraya


In the current world politics, the South Asian Region particularly Pakistan and Afghanistan are at the American security agenda and facing a grimy situation. Both countries share same religious identification, cultural heritage, civilizational linkage, historical affiliation and above all common borders. These common borders have become a source of trouble and instability in the region. The continued war on terrorism and infiltration through porous border, has distorted the situation and Pakistan is labeled as the Safe Havens of Al-Qaeda and ruminants of the Taliban regime. While Afghanistan too has been blaming for rising violence that includes the attacks on the US and NATO forces. American drone attacks in FATA are deteriorating the security situation. At the same time, Obama Administration has unveiled a new strategy for the region to defeat Al Qaeda and to place Pakistan at the center in the war against terrorism and for countering Bin Laden’s network as well. At this juncture of history, Turkey (a member country of NATO), along with Saudi Arabia and U.A.E, has come up to act as a go-between the two neighbors to soften the tense bilateral relations. A tri-lateral Summit among Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkey was held on April 1, 2009 in Ankara to achieve this goal. This summit came in the backdrop of President Obama’s new strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan and preceded NATO’s Summit and US President’s visit to France. It is for the first time that the military intelligence and chiefs of both the countries, jointly attended the summit which might lead to the manifestation of the commitment to work in a smooth manner and emphasized for the elimination of extremism and terrorism collectively.This paper will attempt to analyze the role of Turkey as a mediator focusing on Ankara Process and Obama’s Administration’s concerns and expectations for regional peace. What should be Pakistan’s policy in this scenario, either it will be independent towards Afghanistan for maintaining security and safety of the region or not

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