South Asian Studies, Vol 25, No 1 (2010)

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US Foreign Policy Shift towards Pakistan between 1965 & 1971 Pak-India Wars

Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi


This article seeks to contribute a shift in the foreign policy of the U.S towards Pakistan due to détente between America and the former Soviet Union during 1960s. It departs from the exceptionalist perspectives which views that Pak-US relations were consistent with a common goal to defeat communism. It explores the repercussions of the détente, Pak-India wars of 1965 and 71 and the growing importance of India during Kennedy era. The article argues that for balancing the US intimacy with India, Pakistan turned to China and thus the misunderstandings multiplied. The essay also investigates the value of CENTO and SEATO- the politics of alliances, which did not play any cementing factor to keep the allies united. All such developments corresponded to the dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971. The purpose of this essay is to give an analytical view of Pak- US relations between 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars. To make it simpler, the essay is divided into three parts. First part is related to Pakistan is alignment with US in quest of security. Second part gives a review of how and why relations between two countries deteriorated during 1960s. Third and the final part is about US role during 1971 crisis and drifting of allies. 

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