South Asian Studies, Vol 25, No 2 (2010)

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Gender and Nexus of Purdah Culture in Public Policy

Riffat Haque


The overt and covert form of purdah1 culture has a reflective connection between the public policy and women’s way of life in Pakistan. The underpinnings of the gender and nexus of purdah culture very intricately evolve in the formulation of the public policy. Reflections on the state of affairs in the country regarding initiatives about improving women status inform gender biases in development plans, lack of political will, lack of resource allocation, lack of legal instruments, ineffective judicial system, policies without crosscutting integration of gender and lack of commitment, implementation and accountability which does not bring the required results. This paper is an attempt to explore the interplay of purdah shaping women lives and cobweb of patriarchal values predetermining the social and cultural value of gender. 

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