South Asian Studies, Vol 25, No 2 (2010)

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Cultural Contribution of Mughal Ladies

Rukhsana Iftikhar


Hindustan was considered one of the regions which attained political and cultural strength during 16th and 17th centuries. Mughal dynasty had a lash green Central Asian cultural background enhanced the beauty of various cultural areans just like architecture, painting, dance and music etc. even Mughal women were the patrons of various cultural activites. This notion is very controversial that Mughal women who were very seculded how they could be the active participants of cultural ativities? First, Mughal ladies like Noor Jahan Jahanara, Zab-un-Nisa were educated women of age having their own libraries. Second, they consciously contributed in cultural life of that period. This paper identifies various cultural fields which were originated, financed and Iooked after by the Mughal women.

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