South Asian Studies, Vol 26, No 1 (2011)

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Thriving Fundamentalism and Militancy in Pakistan: An Analytical Overview of their Impact on the Society

Umbreen Javaid


Nowadays, Pakistan is passing through a very critical phase of its history where it is facing a number of problems amongst which the most crucial and devastating is fundamentalism which has led to militancy and violence in the society. Fundamentalism has further brought radicalization, divisions and cracks in an already fragmented society. If the present situation is left unchecked, it has the potential to completely destabilize the country. This paper attempts to analyze how fundamentalism has taken roots and also how it has continuously been growing in the recent history of Pakistan. The paper further looks into the affects of fundamentalism on the society as a whole. Needless to say that this situation has put the security of this country at stake. 

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