South Asian Studies, Vol 26, No 1 (2011)

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US Mass Media and Image of Afghanistan: Portrayal of Afghanistan by Newsweek and Time

Ghulam Shabir, Dr. Shahzad Ali, Dr. Zafar Iqbal


The study aims at investigating as how Afghanistan is being represented and portrayed in two leading US magazines - Newsweek and Time. Prefatory pages of the paper shed some light on the growth of economy and media in Afghanistan followed by a brief overview of relations between the US and Afghanistan during the last decade. The contents of twenty leading articles of Newsweek and Time were analyzed which clearly depicts that the proportion of negative coverage (57.08%) was greater than the positive coverage (6.08%). Newsweek and Time mainly represented Afghanistan as an abode of Taliban and extremism, penitentiary for women, a narcotics den, a centre for Islamization, and a safe haven for AlQaida and Usama Bin Laden, to include a few. 

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