South Asian Studies, Vol 29, No 1 (2014)

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Consumer Culture: An Analysis in a Socio - Cultural and Political Frame

Dr. Fauzia Saleem, Dr. Muhammad Hafeez, Dr. Riffat Munawar


Consumer culture, an imperative tool of globalization has influenced societies world over. The phenomenon became popularized in the beginning of twentieth century constructing the structure of ‘modern capitalism’. Today no society remains untouched from its influence. However a significant variation is seen among different regions, in absorption of ‘consumerism’ due to their specific socio-cultural and political frame. Consumer culture has dominated the West by its values of ‘materialism’ and ‘individualism’. The diverse manifestation of traditional collectivism remains a significant aspect of the South and East Asian region. Pakistani society due to its specific socio-cultural and political frame depicts similar patterns of the influence of consumer culture.

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