South Asian Studies, Vol 29, No 1 (2014)

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The Salatin of Delhi in the Age of Sultan ul Masha’ikh

Dr. Tahir Raza Bokhari


The age of Sultan ul Masha’ikh Hazrat Khawaja Nizam ud Din Auliya (636 AH – 725 AH/ 1238 AD – 1325AD) was the most glorious period of Muslim history in the sub-continent because of political grandeur and people’s prosperity as well as spiritual sublimation. The political rule contributed a lot in turning Delhi Empire into a centre of Muslim culture and civilization by promoting science, learning and fine arts. On the other hand is spiritual and ministerial order founded by Hazrat Khawaja Moeen ud Din Chishti (R.A), organized by Khawaja Qutab ud Din Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A) and reinvigorated and brought to acme by Baba Fareed (R.A) was entrusted to Hazrat Nizam ud Din Auliya (R.A). There had been many rises and falls in the relations of two dynasties: spiritual as well as political. This paper briefly reviews the rises and falls of the relations

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