South Asian Studies, Vol 29, No 2 (2014)

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Evolution of Sectarianism in Pakistan: A Threat to the State and Society

Muhammad Nadeem Shah


Contemporary Pakistan has been passing through the worst phase of its history due to internal law and order and security issues. Terrorism and sectarianism had never struck the state with such intensity in the past as it has been since the last two decades. Suicide attacks on the worshippers in the Mosques and Imambargahs as well as target killing of religious leaders of either sect, at various places in the country has posed a serious threat to the peace loving nation of Pakistan. The feelings of vulnerability have continuously been increasing day by day. This situation has put the entire social structure of the country at stake. Why are the Muslims killing the Muslims? Who are the masterminds? And what is the remedy to this menace? All such questions are yet to be answered. This paper will try to unveil the elements involved in this bloody game of viciousness. The work will also throw light on the effects of sectarian ferocity on the state and society of Pakistan. 

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