South Asian Studies, Vol 29, No 2 (2014)

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Political Out Fits of Political Parties in British India: A Case Study of Unionist Party

Dr. Mughees Ahmed


The role of political parties in British India was no more than hospitality. So we cannot ignore their role. Study of party politics with special emphases on the role of factions and groups operating within political parties are discussed. Loyalist class seriously and most sincerely believed that the interests of their communities they represent were identical with those of the British government and the role of political parties in this regard is analysed in this piece of work. Such a study can provide a preliminary base to extend the boundaries of comparative politics and political behaviour and a little detail on the role of traditions in Punjab. Behaviour of British rulers towards political parties is discussed briefly. Key words: Zamindar, Biradari, Sharafia, Golden Bills, Mahasabha. Dharras 

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