South Asian Studies, Vol 30, No 1 (2015)

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Elimination of Bonded Labour in South Asia: The Process Patronage and Labourers’ Right to Access Micro Credit in Brick Kiln Industry of Pakistan.

Dr. Ahmed Usman, Jafar Riaz Kataria, Hamid Awan, Shabbir Hussain, Muhammad Usman


This study examined the process of microcredit disbursement among brick kiln labourers and paying off loan in monthly installments. In depth interviews were conducted with the brick kiln labourers to solicit their experiences and difficulties regarding acquisition of microcredit. The process of acquiring microcredit involves many steps from the awareness about microcredit to disbursement of the loans. A local NGO was responsible to guide brick kiln labourers about different steps of getting microcredit. The study explains how the prevalence of inequitable and manipulative practices involved at different stages of acquiring microcredit may restrict labourers’ right of access to the facility of loan. 

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