South Asian Studies, Vol 30, No 2 (2015)

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Impact of Globalization and the Role of International Agencies in Education Policy Making Process of South Asian countries – a Case of Pakistan

Amir Saeed, Sumayya Zulfiqar, Ghalib Ata, Kashif Rathore


Globalization as the greatest influential prodigy of the present time is extensively arguable for its constructive and detrimental outcomes. This study differentiate between economic, cultural and political globalization and contends that process of globalization is mostly directed and acknowledged by the developed nations to achieve their desired goals, whereby South Asian nations are precipitated into this process. The case of Pakistan has been taken to study the impact of globalization on education policies by using dependency paradigm. By using content analysis, the study asserts that various international organizations demonstrate the globalization process complicated the education policy formation process. Given this context, the study tries to explain the courses through which globalization influences the educational policies in Pakistan

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