South Asian Studies, Vol 32, No 1 (2017)

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Right to Information as an Instrumental Force of Good Governance in South Asia

Naeem Ullah Khan, Sana Akhter


In South Asia the Right to Information (RTI) is recognized as a basic human right of every human being, and is incorporated in the form of fundamental right in the Constitutions of these countries. Free and fair access to relevant information, and participation of public in Governmental decisions making, acts as a catalyst in the transformation of the governance into the ideal governance.Therefore, Right to Information is an instrumental force to control the abuse of powers on the part of the public functionaries and make their actions accountable. In this contextual perspective the Right to Information (RTI) is perceived as a linchpin of the machinery of Good Governance, responsibility, transparency and accountability.This research paper, interalia, highlights that Right to Information has a closest nexus with Good Governance in a country and minimize the nepotism and corruption in the society.Hence, in South Asian Countries Right to Information regime empowers the general public viz-a-viz Government actions and policies 

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