South Asian Studies, Vol 32, No 2 (2017)

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Political Socialization in Pakistan: A Study of Political Efficacy of the Students of Madrassa

Jafar Riaz Kataria, Prof. Dr. Umbreen Javaid


The Madrassa system has been providing an alternative mean to get education, which is religious in nature, according to the Islamic traditional values and is also affordable. Madrassa system in Pakistan, as a part of education-a social institution, is performing the functions of education institution. Acquisition of political culture and incorporation of political norms is political socialization. One of the important variable to understand the society‟s political socialization is the level of political efficacy. More efficacious the members of the society are, more positive is the political socialization of the society which ultimately leads to the good functioning of political system of the society. The present study aims to study the political efficacy of the madrassa students of the Lahore district of Pakistan. 

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