South Asian Studies, Vol 32, No 2 (2017)

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The Caretaker Debate, 10th Jatiya Sangsad Elections and Recent Trends in Bangladesh Politics

Hasina Afruj Shanta


For quite some time, Bangladesh has been facing political uncertainty. In fact, it all started before the 10thJatiya Sangsad/parliamentary election held on January 05, 2014 when the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), its alliance partners and many others wanted the election to be held under the NPCG and the ruling party, the Bangladesh Awami League (BAL), and its allies claimed the NPCG system constitutionally defunct. Thus, they stuck to the position that election will be held under the party government and the Election Commission (EC) will play its Constitutional role in conducting the election. Due to this difference, theregrew further distrust between the two major political parties –the BNP and the BAL. Now, time has come when many Bangladeshis wonder if it will be possible to bring about political stability or to hold any inclusive, participatory and credible election in Bangladesh in near future. This critical situation of Bangladesh politics has invited analysts to ponder upon the future stability of Bangladesh politics.

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