Pakistan Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (PJERE), Vol 5, No 2 (2018)

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Out-of-School Children: Examining the Reasons in Semi- urban Setting in Pakistan

Nousheen Akber Pradhan, Tanzil Jamali, Shireen Shehzad Bhamani, Tazeen Saeed Ali, Rozina Karmaliani


Globally, 57 million primary age children remain out-of-school. In South Asia, Pakistan has the highest (34%) out-of-primary school age children. This paper highlights the proportion of out-of-school children with reasons and children’s educational attainment in the semi-urban community of Pakistan. A cross-sectional survey was conducted by using systematic sampling in a semi-urban town in Karachi, Pakistan. Chi-square was used to describe the difference in the educational achievements with age and gender of the children with p-value < 0.05, considered as significant. Among 254 surveyed households, 22.9% of the children (age 3-15 years) were found out-of-school, with no significant gender difference among boys (11.6%) and girls (11.1 %). A large group of young children (3-6 years of age) were found out-of-school with boys 71.6% (n=68) and girls 67.03% (n=61). Children’s lack of interest in education was the major (42%) reason, followed by high school expenses (23%). Children’s educational attainment was significantly (p<0.000) related to age and gender. At the local community level, teachers and Taluka Education Officers have a pivotal role to play towards increasing primary school enrollment and mobilizing the resources to overcome financial hardships faced by the parents for their children’s education in early years. Nousheen Akber Pradhan is a Senior Instructor at the Department of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan

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