Journal of Media Studies, Vol 31, No 1 (2016)

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Identifying cyber hate: overview of online hate speech policies &finding possible measures to counter hate speech on internet

Lubna Khali


Being the fastest growing and highly accessible medium, todayinternet is becoming a powerful source to disseminate any sort ofcontent by individuals. World Wide Web (www) is crowded with avariety of content in the form of information, posts, comments, andmessages etc. which are readily available to internet users. The cyberworld is the hot spot to spread any particular ideology, belief,propaganda, violence or hatred against any individual or group insociety for any significant or insignificant reason that also includesspreading or becoming victim of cyber hate.This research aims to study online hate speech policies and thepreventive measures that can be taken to counter cyber hate.Researcher has evaluated top five search engines and their hatespeech policy to report any type of abusive or hateful content to beremoved that may target any specific group, bullying ordehumanizing individuals, spreading political violence and defamingsacred or revered figures on internet.


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