Journal of Media Studies, Vol 32, No 1 (2017)

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Media Consumption and National Identity Formation of Adolescents in Pakistan

Khalid Rashid, Bushra H. Rahman, Abbas Rashid Butt


The study explores relationship between media consumptionpatterns of adolescents,with other intervening variables, andformation of national identity. The research proposes a model ofpolitical socialization to understand the relationship amongadolescents' demographics (gender, age, school), mass mediaconsumption (electronic, and print media), and place of discussionwith interpersonal agents (parents, peers, relatives and teachers) forthe formation of national identity. Adolescents from private, publicand madrassa (religious) schools of Lahore city are the populationof the research. The sub-constructs of national identity; nationalattachment, symbolic patriotism, constructive patriotism, uncriticalpatriotism, national pride, and nationalism are tested by CronbachAlpha. Findings show that in outer loading factors school, printmedia consumption, and the place of media discussion with parentsare the most significant factors in formation of national identity.


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