Journal of Media Studies, Vol 32, No 1 (2017)

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Chinese Traditional Culture and Art Communication in Digital Era: Strategies, Issues, and Prospects

Yali Zhang, Muhammad Yousaf, Yingqing Xu


The understanding of Chinese culture and arts from the perspective of other cultures and countries has been the mainstream trend in the past. From ‗The Travels of Marco Polo' to the film ‗Red Lanterns', Chinese culture has mostly suffered a status of being depicted and interpreted but not examined as a vibrant civilization for real communication and interaction. Mostly, Chinese culture has been depicted as a culture of difference, misery, and agony. This approach has hampered communication between China and other nations in the past and even today. Chinese culture and arts have a long history of its own, it is extensive and profound, and needs more understanding, respect, logical evaluation and new approaches to communication. Authors argue that the rich cultural characters and charm need to be communicated across cultures via new media platforms. In this new world of digital media and information, especially, on the mobile terminal and the mode of UGC (User Generated Content), the traditional cultures and arts have new opportunities for their propagation, transportation, and demystification in real time circumstances. This essay assesses the communication of Chinese traditional culture and arts in the contemporary digital era and offers social-contextual analysis to reveal the internal tensions ambiguities, strategies, issues and prospects in its communication through digital platforms.


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