Journal of Media Studies, Vol 32, No 2 (2017)

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What makes an educational advertisement campaign successful: A case study of Zara Sochiye

Sabahat Afsheen, Abida Eijaz


Unfortunately, literacy rate in Pakistan according to Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) in 2012 was 60% which went down to 58% in 2013-14. Promotion of Primary and Secondary Education has been the principal and priority agenda of political parties, non-governmental organizations as well as civil society organizations in Pakistan. Media is considered the most powerful tool in disseminating and promoting public welfare agendas. Zara Sochiye (Think About It) campaign launched by Geo TV, is taken as a case study, using Rhetorical Triangle method as well as Semiotic Analysis techniques the study tries to identify the potential appeals of advertisement that are likely to have a significant impact on stakeholders for prioritizing education and motivating public to gain education. The findings of the study show that if emotional and rational appeals of advertisement are used in balance and equilibrium is maintained between script and frames shown, then a good advertisement can be produced which ultimately adds in the popularity of the campaign.


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