Journal of Media Studies, Vol 33, No 1 (2018)

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Media Reliance and Information Seeking Habits of Pakistani Millennial

Wajid Zulqarnain, Taimur ul Hassan


The mushroomed growth of private news TV channels and speedydiffusion of social media in Pakistan has provided many options forthe Pakistani youth to get information from different media sources.This study explores primary information sources of Pakistani youth,their information seeking habits, media reliance and believability onthe medium. The data collected through survey method suggeststhat the primary source of the majority of Pakistani youth is socialmedia as they consider it to be more credible than the mainstreammedia. They primarily use social media to seek politicalinformation. The findings of this study suggest the policy makers,advertisers, media strategists, political parties and media contentproducers to be vigilant for media consultation and consumptionpatterns among youth.


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