Journal of Media Studies, Vol 31, No 1 (2016)

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Hate speech or healthy speech, user friendly or user anxiety: An analysis of cyber world speech discourse

Rukhsana Tariq


This study explores the extent to which particular cyber forumsenable and provoke either hatred or healthy speech regarding socialand political issues from 2013 to 2014 and then the public'sresponse(s) to such discussions in Pakistan. The article originatesfrom a study conducted on 'hate speech', a study of Pakistan'scyberspace 2014, by, a social forum developingprofessional and healthy activities among users. The assessment ofthe democratic and autocratic potential of cyber world media helpsto understand cyber world as public sphere. By analyzing the extentto which specific forums within the internet sphere play a pivotalrole in facilitating emotions, developing anxiety and creating hatredwill help to propose regulations for cyber world. The paper alsodiscusses the impact of individual narrative and personalperspective and its role in developing negative and positive space.It is an attempt to present a holistic account of how we mightenvision playing a beneficial role among cyber world users.


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