Journal of Media Studies, Vol 34, No 1 (2019)

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Using Facebook for Government Public Relations Campaigns: Relationship between Information Seeking Attitude and Effectiveness of Public Relations Outcomes for Facebook

Fahad Mahmood, Zaeem Yasin


Though government departments rely heavily on different techniques for Public Relations (PR), the fundamental questions related to the effectiveness of social media as a PR tool remains unanswered. The study aims to find out how Facebook has an impact on the effectiveness of public relations outcomes for government department's public relations activities. From a sample of 300 respondents a survey was conducted. It was found that there is a positive correlation between respondents' attitude on Facebook information seeking scale and Facebook impact on effectiveness of public relations outcomes. Moreover it was also found that use of Facebook is creating a favorable attitude for target audience; knowledge levels; content of positioned values; quality of opinion; customer satisfaction; tone of opinion and mutual trust, satisfaction and commitment. Whereas, for 'mutual control' and 'relationship maturity' in PR activities of the government there is need for more research. 


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