Journal of Media Studies, Vol 28, No 2 (2013)

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The role of cable TV in character identification among the children: A case study of Sindh province, Pakistan

Har Bakhsh Makhijani, Sajjad Ahmad Paracha, Sajjad Ali


This study explores the trends in liking of national andinternational celebrities in the middle-school going children ofSindh province on the basis of differences in age, gender andcable availability. In a survey of more than 600 respondentsfindings show that age plays an important role in liking andgaining inspiration from the celebrities. The inclination forcelebrities is more clearly visible in older children than youngerones. Additionally, this study confirms that liking for celebritiesfrom various fields is different among children and depends onthe accessibility to cable television. Children having access tocable television are more inclined towards foreign celebritieswhile children watching national TV channels like local heroesmore. In the fields of sports, politics, and music, children haveexpressed their liking for local heroes.


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