Journal of Media Studies, Vol 28, No 2 (2013)

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Usage of social networking sites: Interpersonal communication motives of youth

Yasir Waseem Iqbal


Social Networking Sites (SNS) have gained popularity in recentyears and opened new horizons of communication. This studyconducted at International Islamic University, through clustersampling determines the motives for using the socialnetworking sites. An instrument based upon the InterpersonalCommunication Motives (ICM) scale, used in past uses andgratifications research, measured motivations for SNS use.Through descriptive research method the study affirms the Katzand Blumer's Uses and Gratification approach which states thatdifferent people use same media messages for differentpurposes to gratify their social and psychological needs to attaintheir goals. The study found that people go to SNS to fulfillneeds which are traditionally fulfilled by other media, and fortheir interpersonal communication needs. "Pleasure" was theprime motive whereas 'Relaxation" and "Affection" were alsoimportant motives for SNS use.


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