Journal of Media Studies, Vol 29, No 2 (2014)

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Exploring factors affecting consumer expenditures on media

Fan-Bin Zeng


Previous studies on consumer expenditures on mediaespecially focus on the relationship between consumer expenditures onmedia and Gross National Income (GNI) based on the Principle ofRelative Constancy (PRC) from macroeconomic aspect. Researches onconsumer expenditures on media from macroeconomic aspectcontribute to the understanding of media structure and development ofmedia industry but it is not applicable to microeconomic aspect since itwould lead to the ecological fallacy. In order to understand consumers'expenditures on different media products, this study attempts toexamine how the income of the audience, time spent on media andattitude influence consumers' expenditures on media. This studyreveals that income variable is positively correlated to consumerconsumption on newspapers and internet but not magazines andtelevision once other variables are controlled. The study also exploresthe significance of different media products with reference to theireconomic characteristics.


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