Journal of Media Studies, Vol 29, No 2 (2014)

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Influence of the social media on political engagement with the electorate during the 2015 presidential election campaign in Nigeria

Barikui Nnaane


The emergence, popularity and ubiquity of the social media havecreated enormous potential and impact in many spheres of life inNigeria. This has been amply demonstrated in all the stages of the 2015elections in Nigeria. This study focused on the influence of the socialmedia on political engagement with the electorate during 2015Nigerian presidential election campaign. The research design adoptedis survey through 2304 questionnaires distributed across the selectedcity, in each state and in each of the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria,while 2054 copies, representing 89.1% are found usable. The samplingtechniques used are multi-stage sampling and simple randomsampling techniques. One of the key findings of the research is that therespondents through the social media engagement with the twoleading candidates and their respective political president GoodluckJonathan (PDP) and General Muhammadu Buhari (APC), rated themon some core campaign issues like corruption, insecurity, education,health, and infrastructure, among others. The study howeverrecommends that presidential candidates and their respective politicalparties should hire experts in marketing communication who canmanage their social media accounts so that political engagement on thesocial media should not degenerate to personality attacks, as wasevident during the campaign.


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