Journal of Media Studies, Vol 29, No 2 (2014)

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Media ethics and students’ perceptions: A study of the use of freedom of expression by anchor persons in the light of individualism

Rabia Ahmad


This research aims at integrating the concept of individualism with theelectronic media to explain the condition of media ethics with referenceto the freedom of expression; which is the expression of the individualautonomy. It is hypothesized that the freedom of expression is not thelicense of media ethics violation. Students' perceptions about theexercise of freedom of expression by anchorpersons in political talkshows are examined in the perspective of media ethics violations.Survey method is applied and forty respondents are selected throughthe convenience sampling technique. The sample consists of both maleand female respondents to determine if any relationship exists betweenanchorpersons' freedom of expression and the underlying situation ofmedia ethics in talk shows. The overwhelming majority of respondentssuggested that the anchorpersons are misusing the freedom ofexpression and hence violate the media ethics.


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