Journal of Media Studies, Vol 30, No 1 (2015)

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Coverage of incidents of violence against minorities in English press of Pakistan: A study of lynching of Christian couple

Rabia Ashfaq


This study analyzes the coverage of an incident of lynching ofChristian couple alleged of blasphemy in November 2014, in Englishpress of Pakistan. Three leading English dailies were taken as asample and their coverage pertaining to the said event was analyzedfor a period of one week after the incident. Newspapers collectivelypublished 60 news stories and six editorials during first week of theincident. Content Analysis of these stories reveal that only nine weredescriptive news stories, 29 stories condemned the incident andcalled for action , 18 were stories of protests and four stories dealtwith how violence against minorities in Pakistan has become acommon phenomenon.


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