Journal of Media Studies, Vol 35, No 2 (2020)

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Educational Motives and Perceived Educational Consequences as Predictors of Facebook Usage

Anjum Zia, Mudassar Hussain, Zaeem Yasin


This study proposes a model and validates it with the help of uses and gratifications theory, displacement theory and the individual differences theory. The tenets of the proposed model are: the associations of the educational motives with Facebook use; the association of perceived consequences resulting from Facebook use with the Facebook use; the interactional effect of the weekly time patterns and gender for Facebook use; the interactional effect of the daily and weekly time patterns for the educational motives for Facebook use; and the interactional effect of the daily and weekly time patterns for the perceived consequences resulting from Facebook use among university students in Lahore. By using convenience sampling technique, students are selected from the population of educational institutions in Lahore. The variance explained in the dependent variable of motives for Facebook usage and the perceived consequences is 22.9%. Both variables of educational motives (β = .402) and the perceived consequences (β = .200) have made significant contribution to the prediction of Facebook usage but the former has made the unique one. Male students are using Facebook more than the female students (η2 = .01). The interaction effect of daily and weekly time patterns have small effects on educational motives (η2 = .038) and the perceived consequences (η2 = .032). Facebook is found empowering the students for the educational motives, however university students perceive that Facebook use has consequences when they use it for more than two hours in different parts of the day.


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