Journal of Media Studies, Vol 35, No 2 (2020)

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The Agenda Building Role of Television on Science & Technology Developments: Comparative Study between Private and State-Run TV Channels Coverage

Shahla Adnan, Yasira Naeem Pasha


This study is about the agenda building role of television in Pakistan, in the state and private news bulletins, and treatment of Science & Technology news for creating public awareness. The study is of 9am prime time news bulletins of March 2016. Manifest content analysis technique along with a specifically designed code sheet was used in this research. Results show that there was a significant difference between private and state run news bulletins. In the state run PTV news though the news were given prominence, it can be attributed to government projects, future plans, meeting sessions and even public addresses of the political leaders about Science & Technology, making no thoughtful contribution in educating the audience in Science & Technology develoments. 


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