Journal of Media Studies, Vol 36, No 1 (2021)

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Exposure to Juvenile-Based Crime Reenactment Programs; A Study of Perceived Parental Stress

Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi, Hayam Qayyoum, Syed Abdul Siraj


The current study aimed to examine relationship between juvenile based crime reenactment programs and the perceived parental stress related to it. Researchers hypothesized that there is an association between exposures to juvenile based crime reenactment programs and perceived parental stress. The sample comprised of 157 parents. A survey was conducted in Islamabad, based on purposive as well as convenient sampling. Data collection measures comprised demographic sheet, exposure to juvenile crime reenactment programs and Impact of Events Scale (IES). Factor Analysis was performed which constructed five factors i.e. effects on mental health; stress increase; effect on health; ability to handle situation and social Isolation. Moreover, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation test was performed to see the association between the exposures to juvenile based crime reenactment programs and perceived parental stress. A significant relationship was found between the juvenile crime base programs and perceived parental stress. 


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