Journal of Media Studies, Vol 36, No 2 (2021)

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Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Information Systems In Media Organization: A Study Of Pakistan News TV

Ali Ashraf, Fawad Baig


Information technology (IT) based information management systems in different organizations have gained a lot of attention from researchers around the globe. The effectiveness of information systems is a challenge in emerging media organizations. The present study extends Delone and Mclean's theoretical framework to check the effectiveness of information systems in media organizations in Pakistan. The employees of the top 15 news channels using the survey method have been selected to collect the sample data for the study. Stratified sampling technique is used to collect the data of 400 news channel employees who are using information systems for news processing. SEM (structural equation modelling) technique is used to analyse the collected data. It is evident from the results of the study that system, service, and information quality are significant contributors to use and user satisfaction. User satisfaction is supported with the use of the system. Use and user satisfaction positively contribute to an individual as well as organizational performance. A positive relationship is also found significant between individual performance and organizational performance.  The study provides ground to the researchers who want to further explore information systems in media organizations. The media industry may also be get benefitted from the findings in decision-making about information systems.


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