Journal of Media Studies, Vol 38, No 2 (2023)

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The Impact of Interactive Social Media on Students’ Communication and Social Motivation Skills at University Level

Zain Tariq, Nadia Younas


The study examines the relation between interactive social media usage and social competencies i.e. verbal and non-verbal communication and social motivation skills of the university students of Pakistan. It also aims at finding whether gender variable in interactive social media usage reflect the verbal and non-verbal communication and social motivation skills of the university students or not. This was the cross-sectional research study. The sample consisted of 202 undergraduate students who were selected from the universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. A demographic form was used for taking background information from the participants. Multidimensional Social Competence Scale (MSCS) for young adults was administered. The study revealed that there is significant relationship of interactive social media usage with nonverbal communication and social motivation skills, but no significant relationship exists for the verbal communication skills. Furthermore, study investigated the effect of gender difference which was not significant. Interactive social media is one of the most used technological platforms in current times. This study will help policy makers, psychologists and health practitioners to facilitate individuals of all ages particularly adolescents and young adults in predicting psychological well-being.


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