Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 4, No 2 (2018)

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Personality Traits, Tolerance towards Ethnic Minorities and Egalitarian Political Values of University Students

Sajida Awais, Afsheen Masood, Shahzada Qaisar


This research aims to examine the personality traits, tolerance towards ethnic
minorities and political ideology of university students in Pakistan. Political
psychology across the globe has been trying to find the citizenship improvement
dynamics and furthering in this regard, personality based studies tend to yield
fruitful results. This has been hypothesized that personality traits and tolerance
towards ethnic minorities are likely to predict the egalitarian political values of
university students. The sample comprised of 500 university students, both boys
and girls between the age ranges of 19 to 24 years taken from different universities of Lahore. The instruments or measures for data collection involved a demographic information sheet, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Tolerance towards Ethnic Minorities Scale, and Egalitarian Political values Scale in addition to Religiosity scale. The analyses were executed through SPSS version 24.00. The findings from stepwise regression analysis revealed that specific personality traits predicted attitude towards minority and egalitarian political ideologies. This
empirical investigation mainly focuses on the proponents that people erect in their political views and ideologies in consonance to their personality dispositional tendencies. The assumption is to unravel how people relate their day today situations in accordance to unique and specific elements of their personalities. Under the framework of this theory, it has been assumed that there is a statistically significant correlation between specific and peculiar elements of one's personality and political views and ideologies thereby formed. The results of this study entail that a further fusion of Political Psychology and Personality Studies can help to develop guidelines for policymakers, political parties and voters alike.

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