Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 5, No 2 (2019)

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A Critique of Rhetorical Devices in Selective Political Discourse

Sahrish Saif, Khadija Akram


Language is used as a communication tool. But political figures use this tool to put specific economic, social and cultural ideas into practice. The aim of this research is to explore the rhetorical devices used by Indira Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto in their speeches, and how these figures of speech assist them to take the attention of the public and transmit their message properly. The researcher selected these political speakers as they belonged to patriarchal society yet were elected prime ministers of their respective countries twice. The study reveals what kind of rhetorical tropes are used by selected speakers.The research is carried out by employing the model of Critical Discourse Analysis based on Paul Gee‟s (2011) framework. Both speakers used almost the same persuasive devices. The persuasive devices which are employed by speakers are
repetition, amplification, antithesis, allusion, alliteration, parallelism, hyperbole, metaphor, ethos, pathos, logos, litotes, sententiaand imagery. They used rhetoric at phonological, lexical andsyntactical level. The study reveals that although they are women belonged to male dominant societies yet by using these tropes speakers appealed the target audience and succeeded in their
political objectives.

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