Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 6, No 2 (2020)

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Importance of Institutional Arrangements in the Management of Kabul River Basin

Iram Khalid, Muhammad Iqbal


River Basin institutions or organizations are created for management of rivers on basin scale because unilateral and isolated actions regarding river infrastructure development create doubts and have adverse effects on quality, quantity and timing (availability) of water resources. Therefore, cooperation on shared water resources ensures adequate usage of water with enhanced economic opportunities. The river basin institution, create ownership in riparian countries and involve their political commitment for promoting coordination and cooperation. This plat form is used for sharing of benefits and fruitful results of water. The member states focus on issues and obstacles which hinder success prospects. The setting up of Trans boundary water management institution/organization/ commission is necessary to deal with issues between riparian countries. Hindrances include political and technical factors which riparian states should consider. Setting up of commission on Kabul River will guide and facilitate in preparing benefits sharing schemes and reaching treaties. In this article, importance of institutional arrangement in management of Kabul
Basin is discussed along with other allied and related aspects including some successful examples of river basins institutions/ organizations around the world.

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