I joined the University in 2008. Since moving to University of the Punjab I have taught across a wide range of courses including human development and learning, behaviour disorders and management, neurological disorders, community awareness and a few others; and have performed several departmental duties including academic coordination of Masters Programmes. I have also lectured in around fifty workshops of Punjab Education Foundation’s School Leadership Development program in 2007-08 to primary and secondary school teachers and principals on learning, child psychology and behavior modification. Besides attending, many in-service teacher training programs, workshops, seminars and conferences for exposure to the field, I got the opportunity to work on my PhD research project at the Dyscovery Centre of University of South Wales, UK which is an interdisciplinary centre providing assessment and intervention for children and adults with a range of developmental disorders. Doing my research project at the centre, MA SEN’s internship at Autism Centre of Brynglass Primary School, Newport, UK, and attending a short training programme by Division TEACCH, University of North Carolina, USA on TEACCH provided a good understanding of working with people with disabilities. The MA research projects I supervised focused on a wide range of topics on ASD, IDD, SEBD, visual, hearing, physical and health impairments. |