Currently Working as Vice Chancellor, Mir Chakir Khan Rind University of Technology, DG KhanIntroduction
Dr. Mahmood Saleem has been working as Professor of Chemical Engineering since 2008. He graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1991 from the Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of the Punjab. His professional career started with Dawood Hercules (Pvt.) Ltd as Team member of New 1000 MTPD Urea project. In less than a year the project was abandoned. Therefore, he joined the Institute of Chemical Engineering as Research Officer in November 1992. In 1994, he was selected as Lecturer at the same Institute. He completed Master degree in Chemical Engineering from the same university in 1998. He was selected as Assistant Professor in 2000. He accepted an offer in the Middle East (Bahrain) as Head of Chemical technology at BTI. Later he was awarded merit scholarship for Doctoral studies in Chemical Engineering from Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria when Higher Education Commission started human resource development program for HEI’s. He completed his Doctoral studies in three and half years and returned home in April, 2007.
Research Interests
Dr. Mahmood has been actively engaged in R&D activities. His research interests include Gas Cleaning, Process development, Gas-Solid reacting systems and Filtration and separation systems. Currently he is leading HEC funded research project on Co-Combustion of coal and waste in CFBC. He is also leading a project on production of bio-oil through Fast Pyrolysis of agricultural waste. Two PhD students are working under his supervision. To his credit are around 31 publications and 02 books.
He also provides training on the use of CHEMCAD for process design and simulation.
Undergraduate Courses
• Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (16 years),
• Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (16 years),
• Chemical Plant Design (16 Years),
• Process Design & Optimization (02 years),
• Separation Processes (15 years),
Graduate Courses
• Mathematical modeling (3 years),
• Sustainable Energy Systems (01 year),
• Polymer Reaction Kinetics (03 years)
• Research Methodology (5 years),
• Process Simulation and Design (3 years),
• Sustainable production (01 year)
Professional Affiliations
Member AIChE; Member ACS, Member PEC, Fellow PIChE, Member EC PC |