I joined Botany Department, University of the Punjab as lecturer on 01.02.1968 and retired as Meritorious Professor and Chairman, Department of Botany on 25.10.2002. After my retirement I served as one of the Director of School of Biological Sciences from 2002 to 2013. Thereafter, I am serving as Professor todate.
Thus my teaching and research career spans over 45 years. During this period I taught Plant Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Plant Anatomy as general courses and Plant Morphogenesis, Radiation Botany, Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology as specialized courses to M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D. students. In research in my early years I worked in areas of Radiation Botany and Biochemical markers of growth and differentiation. In the last two decades my main area of research has been Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Molecular Markers, Somaclonal variants, transformation and resistance development against diseases in plants.
Thirty Ph.D. students successfully completed their work under my supervision. At the moment four Ph.D. students are working under my guidance at SBS. I completed fourteen research projects as principal investigator sponsored by different national and international organizations. I have published 172 research papers, of which 98 are published in peer reviewed in impact factor journals (with total impact factor of 146.159 – JCR-2012; citations 1423 upto 01.12.2016).
In recognitions of my established scholarship and meritorious services to the University, I was appointed Professor Emeritus (Botany) by the Punjab University.
Research Interests:
Radiation Botany, Plant Morphogenesis,
Biotechnology, Molecular markers of growth, Differention & Disease |