I joined Botany Department, University of the Punjab as lecturer on 01.02.1968 and retired as Meritorious Professor and Chairman, Department of Botany on 25.10.2002. After my retirement I served as professor and one of the Directors of School of Biological Sciences upto 30.11.2017.
Thus my teaching and research career spans over 50 years. During this period I taught Plant Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Plant Anatomy as general courses and Plant Morphogenesis, Radiation Botany, Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Biotechnology as specialized courses to M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D. students. In research in my early years I worked in areas of Radiation Botany and Biochemical markers of growth and differentiation. In the last two decades my main areas of research have been Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Molecular Markers, Somaclonal variants, transformation and resistance development against diseases in plants.
Thirty three Ph.D. students successfully completed their work under my supervision. I completed eleven research projects as principal investigator sponsored by different national and international organizations. During years1970-2000, I availed 05 post-doctoral fellowships and worked in some of the best Labs in Europe.
I have published 177 research papers, of which 50 were published in peer reviewed foreign journals. Out of 177 publications 101 are in impact factor journals, with total impact factor of 153.015 (JCR-2020 citations 2593, upto 06.04 2021).I have been continuously awarded Research Productivity allowance for years 2002-20014 by PCST.
I have immensely contributed in development of Biology Curricula and editing of books as member National Review Committee, at Secondary, Higher Secondary and of Botany at B.Sc, M.Sc level in the country. As member and expert of large number of bodies and organizations in the University of the Punjab, other universities and National Organizations, has contributed in planning policies regarding improvement in teaching and research of Biological Sciences in the country. I was mentor of regular Ph.D. programme of the University introduced in 2001.
I have actively worked in procuring funds for infrastructure development of University in general and School of Biological Sciences in particular. Overall funds of about Rs.600.00 millions have been procured from HEC by writing successful PC-Is upto 2007. I established Punjab University Seed Centre and played a vital role in establishing School of Biological Sciences.
In recognitions of my established scholarship and meritorious services to the university I was appointed Meritorious Professor in 2002 and Professor Emeritus (Botany) in 2010 by the Punjab University. |