Born in 1940, Prof, Shamsi joined University of the Punjab in 1963 after his Masters in Botany (1962) and got his D.I.C from Imperial College, London and Doctorate from University of London (1970) specializing in Ecology and Environmental Pollution. During his 37-year long (1963–2000) career in the University, he was appointed as Professor of Botany in 1989 and Chairman, Department of Botany from 1993–1997 with a 3-year (1974–1977) stint in University of Mosul, Iraq as Consultant Ecologist. After retirement, he continued to be associated with the University as visiting Professor and was later appointed as HEC Eminent Professor for two year tenure (2004–2006) and then Consultant in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) from 2006–2008 and 2011–2012. He was appointed Professor Emeritus of Botany in the University in April 2010.
Prof. Shamsi carried out a number of research projects sponsored by various national and international research organizations viz, Applied Research Centre, Mosul University, Iraq (1975–1977) ; Pakistan Science Foundation (1980-1988) ; International Water Logging and Salinity Research Institute (1989-1992) ; Commission of European Communities (1991–1995) ; British Overseas Development Administration (1995–1997) and UNEP (2006–2008).
Prof. Shamsi has supervised research work of 08 Ph.D and 85 M.Sc students published 57 research papers/chapters in Journals/books of national and international repute with an impact factor of more than 64. He was awarded cash prizes from University of Mosul, Iraq (1976) for promoting original research work and Pakistan Science Foundation (1989) for promoting quality research work. He visited several British universities in 1988 on the invitation of Royal Society, London and again in 1993 on the invitation of British Council. He also represented Pakistan from 2004 – 2008 in UNEP sponsored workshops on Air Pollution Impacts on Agriculture in Asia and Africa under Male` Declaration project in all South Asian countries as well as South Africa and Thailand.
Prof. Shamsi has also served as member, Pakistan Science Foundation, Technical Committees on “Biology” (1986–1994) and ‘Environmental Sciences” (2004–2012) and has been regular reviewer of scientific research projects of PSF. He authored 06 chapters on Ecology and Environmental Biology in textbooks of Biology written for ISESCO, Rabat, Morocco (1988) and 09 at national level along with 08 project reports (1984-2008). |