Dr. Alia Arshad is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Information Management, University of the Punjab. She received her B.Sc., MLIS and Ph.D. degrees from the University of the Punjab. She has more than 20 years professional and teaching experience in well reputed organizations. She has teaching experience of more than 10 years at the Institute of Information Management as a Lecturer and Assistant Professor. She worked at the Defence Public Library, DHA, Lahore, College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences (University of the Punjab), Punjab University Library (University of the Punjab) in professional capacity from 1999 to 2012. Her research interests are Scholarly Communication, Personal Information Management, and Usability Evaluation in online environment. Her teaching interests are Organization of Information, Applied Classification, Electronic Resource Management, Personal Knowledge and Information Management, Usability Analysis and Assessment, & Archives and Records Management. She is actively engaged in teaching, research, and administrative activities of the Institute. Besides teaching, she also supervised Ph.D., MPhil., and Master research students. She has published research papers in esteemed journals – Journal of Information Science, Library Hi tech, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, The Electronic Library, Serial Librarian, portal: Libraries and the Academy and others. She presented her research work in national and international conferences at Croatia, Czech Republic, and United Kingdom. She is managing editor of Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries. She is active member of professional organizations Pakistan Library Association (PLA), PULISA, and ASIS&T. She also served as IPC jury member of ASIS&T SIG III. |